
Beat pain with bioresonance

Could this energy therapy be the answer to chronic pain?

A new study by German medical device company Rayonex Biomedical GmbH shows that bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, a type of energy medicine, is a safe and effective treatment for chronic pain.

The Rayocomp PS 1000 polar 4.0 device was put to the test in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study (considered the gold standard for scientific evaluation) on 52 patients with cervical spine syndrome—a common chronic pain condition that causes pain, tingling and dysfunction in the neck, shoulders and arms.

Patients received 10 treatment sessions using either the bioresonance device or a placebo device over 70 days and their symptoms were assessed.

The study showed that the patients receiving the legitimate bioresonance treatment had significant improvements in neck, back and shoulder pain; headaches; muscle tension and physical functioning compared to the placebo group, with no adverse effects.

The bioresonance patients also reported better vitality, social functioning and mental health, and all said they would recommend the treatment to others. Only around a quarter of patients in the placebo group said the same.

The legitimate bioresonance treatment had significant improvements in neck, back and shoulder pain; headaches; muscle tension and physical functioning.

What is bioresonance?

Every cell in the body is made of energy and resonates at a particular frequency. Bioresonance is technology that measures these frequencies to identify any disturbances that may be caused by toxins, viruses, allergens and other factors. It also uses external frequencies to help restore balance and promote self-healing. 

Rayonex is a long-established manufacturer of bioresonance devices developed according to the discoveries of founder and German engineer Paul Schmidt. In the mid 1970s, he discovered that not only does the sunlight’s frequency spectrum impact the body, but so too do other frequencies, and went on to study their effects using a passive dipole-antenna system. 

Based on his research, the Rayocomp PS 1000 polar 4.0 bioresonance device was developed by Rayonex—a CE-certified medical device designed to be used by a practitioner. Unlike other bioresonance devices that use conventional frequency generators, all Rayonex devices are equipped with a dipole-antenna system that employs only natural frequency spectra. To date, more than 1,900 frequency combinations have been created to stimulate the body to support self-regulation. There is also a portable device, the Rayocomp PS 10, for patients to receive therapy at home.

The problem of pain

One of the most common conditions worldwide and a leading cause of disability, chronic pain affects some 50 million adults in the US and 28 million in the UK.[1] 

It can severely impact quality of life and has been linked to not just problems with mobility and daily activities but also to depression, anxiety and even suicide. [2]

The standard treatments—painkillers like paracetamol (acetaminophen), NSAIDs (nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs) and opioids—fail to work for most, yet can do considerable harm, especially the powerful opioid drugs, which can lead to addiction and physical dependence as well as cause nausea, constipation and cognitive impairment. [3]

The new study by Rayonex shows that bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt can be a useful therapy for both the mental and physical effects of chronic pain, with no side-effects.

Prof. Dietmar Heimes IS AT THE GET WELL SHOW

For more details on bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt and their new study, see Rayonex at the Get Well Show. Don’t miss Prof. Dietmar Heimes in conversation with Lynne McTaggart on Friday November 13, PST 10 am, EST 1 pm, GMT 6 pm. 

Get your tickets now!


1. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep, 2018; 67: 1001-1006; BMJ Open, 2016; 6: e010364.
2. Can J Psychiatry, 2015 Apr; 60: 160–167; MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep, 2018; 67: 1001-1006
3. https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/GID-NG10069/documents/draft-guideline; Drugs, 2003; 63: 17-32

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